
For official course descriptions and scheduled instructors, please consult the Dartmouth course descriptions and requirements published by the Office of the Registrar.  For detailed information about the terms and times that courses will be offered, please refer to the Timetable of Class Meetings.

Courses by Term

  • JWST 85: Independent Study and Research - All Terms - Arrange

Modern Hebrew and Biblical Language are available from the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literature .

Please check this site often for up-to-date information on course meeting times and course availability. See the Office of the Registrar for the JWST course listings.

Winter 2025

*Subject to Change*


Spring 2025

*Subject to Change*

Summer 2025

*Subject to Change*

  • JWST 11/HIST 94.09 (11) History and Culture of the Jews II: The Modern Period. Artur Markowski (SOC,CI)
  • JWST 12.02/COLT 52.09/ SPAN XX (12) Jewish Literatures in Latin America: Belonging Beyond Borders. Zepp (LIT,W) NEW COURSE
  • JWST 74.01/ REL 57.02/MES 17.08 (TBD) The Jewish Jesus. TBD (TMV,W)  

FALL 2025

*Subject to Change*  

JWST 6/ *REL 6 (10A) Introduction to Judaism. Feldman (TMV,W)    
JWST 27.01/*COLT 46.01 (2A) The Jewish Family. Kritzman (LIT)  
JWST 34.02/HIST 94.12/GERM 44.02 (12) History of Jews in Germany. Ben-Tov
JWST 34.03/GERM 44.06  FSP (3B) German-Jewish History. Caplan (INT,CI)
JWST 34.05/EEER 38.24 (2) Jewish Folklore. Gronas & Lion ( INT or LIT, W) 
JWST 36.04/MES 17.22 (6B) The Quran In Europe from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Ben Tov (INT/SOC, W)
JWST 44.01/*MES 15.11/FILM 42.19 (6B) The Middle East in Film. Simon (ART, NW) 
*JWST 51/GERM 42.06/WGSS 67.01/COLT 66.03 (6B) Freud: Psychoanalysis, Jews and Gender. Fuechtner (SOC,CI)

Spring 2026

*Subject to Change*  

JWST 5.01/*COCO 33/EEER 38.15/ANTH 50.41 (11) Homelands and Diasporas: Russian Jews on Three Continents. Kan (INT or SOC,CI) 
JWST 10/HIST 94.08/MES 16.15 (6B) History and Culture of the Jews I: The Classical Period. Greenblatt (SOC,W) 
JWST 11/HIST 94.09 (12) History and Culture of the Jews II: The Modern Perod. Caplan (SOC, CI) 
JWST 13/AAAS 6.5/SOCY 49.25 (2A) Jews and Race. Caplan (INT or TMV, W)  
JWST 40.01/*MES 12.09/GOVT 40 (2A) Polics of Israel and Palestine. Fishere (INT or SOC, NW)  
JWST 42.12/MES 12.18  NEW COURSE (10A) Difficult Conversations on the Middle East. Fishere & Smolin (INT, NW)
JWST 44.01/*MES 15.11/FILM 42.19 (2A) The Middle East in Film. Simon (ART, NW)